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Database Search Tips


Too many results:


Start small! Begin with just one or a few search terms, then add additional terms if you find you have too many results.


Use specific search terms:


Use terms that are more specific than those you originally entered. Each time you put in another search term it will give you fewer results. Think about the various aspects of your topic that you plan to cover in your paper and search for them separately, then synthesize the information. Or you may need to narrow your topic because it is too large a topic to cover in a short paper.


Use limiters:


Limiters such as date and resource type can focus your results list.


Too few results:


Is this the best database for your topic? If you are using a database for a specific subject (education, psychology, etc.), try using a multidisciplinary database like Academic Search Premier. Be prepared to try several different databases. 


Too many search terms:


Each additional term in your search will retrieve fewer results. If you have three or more search terms, remove one to see if your results improve.


Too many limiters:


Limiters such as date and resource type provide a targeted results list with fewer results. Use only those that are absolutely necessary.


Your topic is too narrow:


What is the broader theme of your topic? Break your topic down and search for different parts separately, then synthesize the information you find.

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